Source: This was a small book my mentor gave me on understanding soil reports. Most of my information for my independent component came from primary sources at the offices as well as discussions with my mentor.
Hardy, David H. Understanding the Soil Test Report. Raleigh, NC: NCDA&CS Agronomic Division, 2007. Print.
What i have completed: For my independent component I conducted in depth research on my project topic of Grading. In order to better understand the factors that go into Grading and how these influence the process I decided to go step by step through the ENTIRE construction process, from initial bidding to end product. This helped me identify important factors in the grading process, something crucial to answering my essential question of (what is the most important factor in ensuring a profit in a grading operation). As i identified these important factors I was able to see how they affected the grading process either positively or negatively.
I also got an amazing understanding of the grading process by following every step taken by my mentorship in the construction field specifically on a parking structure in brea. Throughout this process of heavy reading I was often talking to my mentor, asking questions and learning things like how to read blue prints. We often discussed how small things can affect the entire process and ways a company can preserve profit. I also often talked to other co workers who specialized in the area i was currently studying.
This in depth review greatly increased my knowledge on the field of grading and has helped me answer my EQ.
The only way I can successfully answer my EQ is to know all the aspects and factors that go into the grading process. I needed a way to look at each part in an in depth way and following the grading process through an old construction project my mentorship completed was the perfect way to get 30 hours. For me to really understand the process I had to read and highlight soooo many papers, reports and contracts that make up the grading process. This coupled with various discussion with my mentor and other employes got me to my 30 hours.
The photos below represent a minute fraction of all the stuff i went through and discussed.
This is the bid folder that contains all the project information.
Day 1 Architectural plans
Below: image of the cut and fill measures of the job. Red indicates cut Blue indicates fill
Architecture plans I went through
Various symbols I have had to memorize in order to understand the plans.
Day 2 1/23/2015
boring report/ calculation dirt removal cost
day 3 1/25/2015
more soil reports
day 4 1/30/2015
Understanding Curb Detail and plumbing plans
day 5 2/6/2015
Erosion Prevention plans/ calculating gradation limits.
day 6 2/13/2015
Understanding bidding/ initial contract
day 7 2/20/2015
Billing/ Payment processing
day 8: 3/6/2015
Subcontracting and finalization /miscellaneous
- Applied
This independent component helped me understand my component immensely because I followed grading from point A to Z i went into depth on every single aspect as well as discussed these aspects with my mentor throughout. I was able to learn about each factor, something critical to answering my eq. I was also able to look at grading as an entire multi step process, this helped me understand how certain factors can add up and affect the entire process.My mentor taught me many things, he taught me all the symbols that go into blueprints as well as the aspects that affect bidding. We also discussed the importance of profit. My independent component greatly increased my knowledge of contract grading as well as has helped me answer my eq.
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