Thursday, February 12, 2015

Blog 15: Independent Component 2 Approval

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours
 For my second independent component I plan to become more intimate with the financial as well as planning side of contract grading. By becoming more well versed with the ins and outs of construction finance i can better understand what goes into making a profit and how one can be ensured. In order to get thirty hours i will look for patterns in the multitude of financial reports from previous jobs in order to see where money historically lost or gained. I will see where certain jobs succeeded and others failed and discuss with my mentor past projects that succeeded or failed and what the company learned from such experience. I will probably then place these findings in a very nice chart.

2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.

I will be looking over the thousands of finance reports in the office and recording where things went well and vice versa looking for patterns. I will also spend a lot of time just talking to my mentor on ways profit is ensure in the grading business. 

3. This component basically is a search for the answer to my eq. "What is the best way to ensure a profit in a grading operation" By looking through financial reports i can see where the company succeed in making a profit and if there is a successful pattern. I am going directly to the source and searching through raw data to understand how a profit is made and the best way to do so.

Side note- im still collecting hours for component one my mothers death set me behind, terribly sorry.

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