2. Contact information of mentorships.
Servpro Cleanup services: 1-877-840-7413 (Tom Shmidtt)
Sals pool service: 626-290-3001
Chavez Construction: (Tom Chaves i actually don't have his number yet but i see him at church… so i will get that soon)
3.Questions Raised
- Do damage contractors get good health care?
- Should i be worried about exposure to mold and asbestos? (or excessive sun exposure? i mean these mentorships were killing me… literally)
- Will me being on a construction site be a problem.
- will there be enough work as a grader to get my 60 hours.
4. What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
These mentorships really showed my things that i did not want to do for my senior project. I mean i guess hard manual labor is not my thing. I did how ever enjoy the time spent with the grading company especially the civil engineering aspect of it. And it will be a very suitable senior project.
5. What is your senior project topic going to be? How did what you did help you choose a topic? Explain.
Well… the truth is i don't know…. yet. As a fall back i can always get my mentorship as a grader for a construction company and will be perfectly fine with that. But I'm still waiting for a response from an auto shop where i could be mentored as a car repair man and I've just recently got the opportunity to be mentored under a salesman. I've had these opportunities open up so recently and i will come to my decision well before friday but until then i must think about what career field really interests me the most.
But realistically my topic will probably be in the field of grading(construction)
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