So this is my desk, at the time I was going over the Auto Cad file for the current grading project and recording depths and widths in order to be able to calculate area later. This became my desk due to the fact that it was "broken" and basically abonded by the other workers. I just got a new battery for the mouse, re downloaded some corrupted files and viola a perfectly good computer (i still need to fix the printer).
Here is an example of one of the giant "Blue Prints" that I have to go over and read, looking for notes left by the engineer or special measurements that may be needed later. Fun fact Blue prints are actually the ones used in the field, they are blue so that they do not reflect the sun harshly in the workers eyes. The ones in the office are white.
Here is one of the boring reports I often have to read. When construction is proposed the owners hire a third party geology company to record a lot of data about the soil and any special precautions that must be taken when grading. These reports are often over 200 pages long.
Here is one of the boring machines in our very own parking lot!
Here is an example of me calculating the area of dirt that needs to be removed (in this case it was for an underground garage). The figure on the calculator is actually the estimated cost to remove the total amount of dirt. IT costs on average 3,000 dollars to remove one cubic yard of soil, this my start in to very rough estimation(what my mentor does.)
So thats pretty much what I have been doing so far in my mentorship, next time ill bring more photos and hopefully update on my individual component.
-Joseph Mirabal